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& Revitalizing the Community

2018 Burlington Jump Start Concluded, Accountability Group Formed

Posted on 4/23/2018 by EDTP Coordinator

Willingboro, NJ- April 17, 2018- The Women’s Business Center (WBC), now in its third year, teaches ambitious entrepreneurs and business owners the foundational skills to start a business. The JumpStart Program is a free, multi seminar series featuring classes on Business Basics, Credit Management, Marketing, Work Life Balance, and Negotiating. In April, WBC staff concluded their JumpStart offering in Burlington. The series was held at the Kennedy Center in Willingboro.

The last class in the series began with learning about the task importance formula. Jamie Shanker, Program Manager of LAEDA’s Women’s Business Center shared her thoughts, knowledge, and expertise on how entrepreneurs can decide the urgency of their current to do list items.


Ms. Shanker noted, “When thinking about goals ask:  What worked? What didn’t? What do I need to change?” She also added, “Try setting SMART goals so that your efforts are measurable. Remember you need to be your own strategic team.” Afterwards, attendees played a negotiation skills game in which pairs attempted to market and sell each other a product.


“Observe your environment and surroundings during a negotiation, “Jamie Shanker described as pairs told the rest of the class what final price was decided on. Being knowledgeable about your subject matter and your bottom line along with anticipating what the other might ask comes a long way in negotiations. An entrepreneur added, “When you are negotiating you have to evaluate the relationship, is it a one-time deal or is there potential for long term engagement.” With this, the class talked about three different types of negotiation styles: Tough, soft, or relational and principled. Another entrepreneur pointed out, “not everyone is your client; they might not be a good fit.”


When negotiating, it is of essence to put oneself in one’s client’s shoes, and to note their emotions and body language. Thereafter, the discussion continued with the process of negotiation, characteristics of a good negotiator, and common negotiation mistakes.


Moving from negotiations to time management, the class discussed that in order to be efficient when it comes to reaching goals and overcoming challenges, delegation and technology can be a big help. Some free tools to use for help were presented in this class, which consisted of the following: (1) Upwork.com, which is a tool used to help you find freelancers all over the world. (2) Any.do (App on phone) a free task management tool.


The class concluded with the presentation of certificates of completion, taking pictures and exchanging contact information. The group took the initiative to create an accountability group to help each other meet business goals going forward.  


LAEDA offers seminars throughout the year in different counties of South Jersey as was as the Entrepreneurial Development Training Program/Women’s Business Academy, a nine-week course, three times per year on a wide range of areas of general business practices. We welcome you to join our community of successful entrepreneurs. The program is free, but you must qualify. Visit our website at www.laeda.com or call (856) 338-1177 to learn more.

